How come when they say “Man”, they mean man, woman, child?
How come when they say “Man”, they mean “all people”?
How come they show the blood of Christ,
The blood of war, the blood from the sliced incision
(surgery on TV every night)?
How come they show the blood of sport?
It’s all the same as blood from violent video games
(movies, they love to see Hollywood stars in a bloody fight).
How come they drink the blood of life
As red wine, buy the bloody meat from the butcher’s vine?
It’s all accepted, all okay
Except the blood they cannot say
Except the blood you cannot say
Except the blood you cannot speak
Except that blood may sometimes leak.
The only blood they cannot show
Is the blood that freely, freely flows
From ladies, sisters, women, girls, and me.
No cut, no scrape, no knife, no gun, no wound (x3)
Well it flowed before hunting, it flowed before time.
Our blood revealed the gift that is the human mind.
Now its bloodshed for profit, is our blood like gold?
They’ve created a blood debt and our families are sold.
They advertise, they televise the violence and the lies.
The violence, the lies.
And it’s all accepted, all okay,
Except the blood they cannot say
Except the blood you cannot say
Except the blood you cannot speak
Except that blood may sometimes leak.
The only blood they cannot show
Is the blood that freely, freely flows
From ladies, sisters, women, girls, and me.
Its how we came to be, oh, menstrual-lunar synchrony.
Its how we came to be, oh, Metaformic Theory.
No cut, no scrape, no knife, no gun, no wound (x3)
Its how we came to be, oh, it’s how we came to be.
Its how we came to be, oh, it’s how we came to be